We have had two big events here this week. The first happened on Wednesday the 25th. I went to the hospital at 7:30 am and at about 9:30 Doctor Amenabar removed the wires and screws from my right knee cap. It was in and out surgery and we were home by 1:00pm.
The surgery went well but I did have a little trouble with vertigo when the nurses tried to get me ready to leave. But I can throw up just as easily at home as in the hospital so we went home. After a good nap, some food, and another nap, I was alive and well. The pain that I was feeling in the knee before the surgery is now gone and I am excited to get the stitches out so that I can start to exercise and get this knee working properly again.
President Thompson asked the Doctor for the wires as a souvenir ( I personally have other things that I would rather have for a souvenir) but he came home with the wires.
To give you an idea of how big the wires are. No wonder my knee hurt when I climbed stairs. That is a lot of wire for one little knee cap. I am to walk like "Chester Good for a week until I get the stitches out. For you young people, Chester was the deputy to Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke who had a leg that was always straight. We served our shifts on Thursday morning and covered for President and Hermana Burk for two hours on Thursday evening, Friday evening, and Saturday for about 3 hours as we closed early for Womens' Conference, but I pretty much just sat in my office with the leg up and the obrera's came to me if they needed anything and President Thompson was my legs for anything that he could help with.
I have such a reputation that whenever anyone sees me walking straight legged, they all ask if I have fallen again!
In the matron's office,
I saw a smiling face--
Sister Thompson wishing
For her normal pace.
Her knee must heal correctly
So she must sit and sit,
Keep her leg straight patiently
While keeping her sweet wit.
She just does a world of good,
You can always count on her,
For when her knee has healed up
She'll again move like a blur!
I saw a smiling face--
Sister Thompson wishing
For her normal pace.
Her knee must heal correctly
So she must sit and sit,
Keep her leg straight patiently
While keeping her sweet wit.
She just does a world of good,
You can always count on her,
For when her knee has healed up
She'll again move like a blur!
Written by Hermana Barney 27 Marzo 2015
We now have three days to do nothing but keep the leg elevated and let the healing take place. The stitches will come out after Easter.
The reason we had to cover for the Burks on Thursday evening was that the air ambulance arrived to take Elder Gardner to the States. The decision was made on Tuesday to send him home but they didn't know just when all the arrangements could be made. The guess was that it would happen on the weekend. Hna. Gardner was at the hospital on Thursday afternoon about 2:30 when the call came telling her that the plane was in the air and would arrive about 4 and she needed to have Elder Gardner's passport ready. There was a blur of activity and the President took her back to the hospital so she could say good-bye to him. He flew out about 10pm and arrived at the Utah Valley RMC in Provo (5 minutes from their home) about 5 Friday morning. Hna. Gardner flew out at 6am Friday morning. They both arrived without any trouble and are with family and friends. We are thankful for the tender mercies and miracles that happened to get them home so quickly.
Well, that is about all for this week, and this month. President Thompson is taking great care of me and I am trying to be patient and let him. It is so hard to lay around and let others wait on you (again) but it is great to have the wires out. We hope that you all have a wonderful Easter with family and friends. We look forward to General Conference and President Thompson is going to make us an apple pie for Easter. Life is wonderful. Enjoy every moment, they come and go so fast. We send our love to all Dad and Mom, Grandpa and Grandma, Lon and Nancy